Inhalation Bílinské kyselky

Bílinská kyselka is suitable for inhalation

Bílinská kyselka belongs to the group of alkaline, i.e. slightly alkaline. It is this property that allows it to achieve the best treatment results. It is possible to inhale other acids, but good results cannot be guaranteed in advance. There is probably no need to emphasize that we should only use a natural healing source, i.e. Bílinská kyselka, for inhalation. The degree of effervescence is not essential when inhaling.

Therapeutic effects of inhalation Bílinské kyselky have been known for centuries. For the great popularity of inhalation Bílinské kyselky had the Lobkovic nobility build a spa complex Bílinská kyselka dignified building INHALATORIUM.

How to inhale Bílinské kyselky performs

Many of us in childhood were forced by our parents to inhale under the blanket steam from a pot of hot salted water. Although this method has the effect of relaxing the airways, there is a significant risk of scalding the limbs or face with boiling water. Of course, children are especially at risk. The disadvantage of vapor inhalation is that other drugs cannot be administered by this route.

That's why they're here inhalers, who can work with both mineral water and special liquid medicines. Apart from regular cleaning, they do not require any special care and are safe even for very young children or infirm patients. Inhalation with an inhaler is also more effective than that with hot water.

For inhalation to really help, it must be done the right technique. The "fog" emitted by the device needs to be inhaled slowly and deeply and before exhaling, the breath should be held briefly so that the healing particles have enough time to settle on the mucous membranes. Correct sitting while inhaling also helps. If we are not sure whether we are doing the inhalation correctly, we consult a doctor (allergist, pediatrician, ENT) or a physiotherapist (in spas and medical clinics).