Bílinská kyselka is a completely clear natural spring without smell or color, strongly bubbling with dissolved carbon dioxide, pleasant taste. It has a stable chemical composition and is bacteriologically harmless. It is filled in its original state, without any modifications or additives.

Healing effects bílinské kyselky they are mainly caused by acid sodium carbonate, lithium carbonate and carbon dioxide. All the components then create a specific complex mixture of mineral salts, which work together even where the individual components would not work.

The properties of alkaline salts are twofold: they dissolve mucus and neutralize acid

Dissolving phlegm comes into consideration in the case of inflammation of the respiratory tract (either by drinking warm acid, or by inhalation) as well as in stomach and intestinal diseases.

Ihaling Bílinské kyselky

For inhalations, special devices creating an aerosol for inhalation are used.

Acidification of the digestive organs and stones

The alkalizing effect that occurs after the absorption of mineral water is also used with success in diseases of the digestive organs caused by hypersecretion and hyperacidity, then in catarrh of the renal pelvis, bladder, and urethra, when the acidity of the urine decreases and the formation of sand and stones stops. Even in these cases, you can count on the dissolving properties of sodium and increased excretion of urine, which reduces its concentration and washes out smaller stones. Lithium's function as a uric acid solvent is known to provide significant pain relief. Another beneficial effect is also regular and frequent drinking of acid, which removes uric acid from the tissues mechanically.

Gout and rheumatism

In other metabolic disorders, such as gout, the effect is explained bílinské kyselky easier solubility of uric acid by alkalis, sodium and lithium.


In case of diabetes, Biline mineral water lowers the blood sugar level and works well in combating diabetic acidity by increasing the alkali reserve in the blood.

Chronic catarrh of the stomach

It binds the stomach in chronic catarrh bílinská kyselka, if warm, excess stomach acid. Drinking cold soda, on the other hand, stimulates the stomach, which excretes an increased amount of acid due to carbonic acid. For these diseases, the professional indication of a doctor is therefore important. Carbon dioxide (except for the refreshing taste) it directly stimulates the gastric mucosa, which supports the activity of the stomach by excreting hydrochloric acid. Congestion of the gastric mucosa promotes water absorption and increases urine excretion. Both are valuable in the medical use of sorrel. In this way, substances dissolved in mineral water are brought quickly to the tissues and harmful substances are removed.

The carbon dioxide content of the stomach does not bloat or exert harmful pressure on the heart.

Since 1847, lozenges have been made from the salts obtained by evaporating acid. They are most often used in gastric catarrhs ​​with increased acid formation, in acid belching, heartburn, as well as in constitutional diseases of the glands and bones and in respiratory tract catarrhs. Whitening pastilles are also indicated for infants, if children cannot tolerate fat and if they get diarrhea after a milk diet.

Prague 1. Gorkého n. 7
research study of mineral springs
Prague, March 1977
Prepared by: Pg. Vl. Cyvín, Head of Department: RNDr. Little swan
RNDr. Jaroslav Vrba
leading hydrogeol. areas
Pg. Stanislav Šula
geological deputy


 It has been one of the most valuable drinking balneological springs for centuries Bílinská kyselka. Use this unfairly neglected option to your advantage and pick up a bottle of it at the store where you normally shop.

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