Bílinská kyselka, frequently asked questions
Why, when and how to drink Bílinská kyselka?
Bílinská in stomach diseases
Heartburn, sour belching. Proneness to ulcer formation by excessive stomach acid production requires neutralization:
2 warmed glasses in the morning on an empty stomach Bílinské kyselky (warm the opened bottle slowly in warm water) and 1 glass after each meal Bílinské kyselky as a table drink.
In chronic gastric catarrh, stomach drop, stomach enlargement and loss of appetite, the amount of drinking cure (mostly cold in smaller amounts before and after meals) follows a doctor's recommendation.
Bílinská in diseases of the kidneys, bladder, gall bladder and liver
Stone formation in acidic urine (kidney semolina – sand, kidney and bladder stones), inflammation of the renal pelvis, inflammation of the ureter and bladder, formation of stones, inflammation of the liver and gallbladder require long-term treatment with drinking Bílinské kyselky: in 10-minute breaks 1-2 cups warm or cold after removing the carbonation:
Daily amount of 1-1,5 L with proper kidney function. Do not take the last dose at night due to increased urine output.
Bílinská in intestinal diseases
For intestinal catarrh with acid fermentation, excessive flatulence, poor intestinal circulation and hemorrhoids, drink Bílinská kyselka cold several times during the day in smaller quantities, after removing the carbonic acid by shaking. During the course of the treatment, it is necessary to avoid flatulent foods and fresh leavened pastries. The proper functioning of the intestines and the elimination of flatulence with Zaječická bitter water are important. It is given when children have problematic nutrition Bílinská kyselka teaspoonfuls and is also used for food preparation.
Bílinská in diabetes, rheumatism, uric acid, gout
For these diseases, it is recommended to drink Bílinská kyselka all year round. Several times a day, 1-2 glasses warm or cold, also as a table drink, in compliance with medical prescriptions. Daily amount of 1-1,5 L. Emptying and removing flatulence by using Zaječická bitter water is also important here.
Bílinská kyselka with diarrhea
With longer-term diarrheal diseases, the body loses a critical amount of minerals. Bílinská kyselka is very suitable for supplementing this loss of minerals.
At what temperature should Bílinská acid be stored?
Dark and cool (around 5-10 degrees Celsius) is best for storage Bílinské kyselky. Also, a well-sealed bottle will help create the pressure of gradually released mineral carbon dioxide dissolved in Bílinská. This pressure also prevents unwanted bacteria from multiplying.
How long can I store Bílinská kyselka?
As long as the bottle has not been opened, the lifespan of Bílinská in a PET bottle is limited only by the slow release of carbon dioxide. So the fizz may diminish after many months. After opening, however, it is very advisable to consume the bottle within about a week.
Where can I buy Bílinská acid?
Bílinská kyselka it is available in retail chains and pharmacies. It is also possible to use large online grocers and have them brought to your home.
What is the recommended daily dose? Bílinské kyselky?
Bílinská kyselka can also be drunk as a table drink. As the main source of water, it is not suitable for children under 4 years of age. (due to fuorides) However, the usual spa dosage is around 0,4 L per day.
What are the effects Bílinské kyselky?
Summary of effects Bílinské kyselky can be found, for example, on the portal ULEKARE.CZ.
How long can I take Bílinska acid?
Persons older than 4 years can use Bílinská kyselka to taste and without time limit. This is suitable, for example, for people suffering from heartburn.
What is the difference between Stomach Bile and Hepatic Bile?
Bílinská Žaludeční and Bílinská Jaterní are produced by adding a medicinal bilirubin extract to a natural spa spring. Bílinská stomachic contains soothing lemon balm extract, Bílinská Jaterní contains milk thistle extract with an active substance Silymarin.
What is Stomach and Liver Bílinská kyselka?
This is Bílinská kyselka with an added extract from a medicinal herb. Bílinská Žaludeční contains an extract of Medunka medicina and Bílinská Jaterní contains an extract of Milk thistle (Sylimarin).
The dosage is the same as for pure Bílinské kyselky.
It can be bought Bílinská kyselka right at the source in Bílina?
Yes, in the building of the bottling plant there is a shop for spa springs and an Info center. According to the decision of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, the spring is not publicly accessible and is entirely intended for bottling. In the Inhalatorium in the Bílin Forest Park, it is possible to taste the publicly accessible Obecní Pramen, which is not "sour" - it has a below-limit content of carbon dioxide and a trace amount of hydrogen sulfide. Obecní Pramen is not used for bottling, it is not significantly used in potable spa treatments.
Je Bílinská kyselka "mineral water"?
Technically, according to the new definition, it is of course mineral water, because it comes from underground, i.e. from a mineral environment. Let's keep in mind here that the harmonization of the EU nomenclature when labeling goods on the free market has changed the position of the term "mineral". In previous centuries, it was a sign of WATER CONTENT, since 2001, on the free market, this word indicates underground, i.e., mineral ORIGIN. This is very confusing for the average consumer.
According to the current legislation, the technical designation for Bílinská Kyselka is therefore indivisible "mineral water strongly mineralized with therapeutic use" and the commercial designation in the retail network today reads: "yield from a natural healing source Bílinská Kyselka".
Regardless of the legislation, everyone has been led for centuries to use only the word "mineral", but this label is used today for drinking water without medical use.
Why is Bílinské Kyselky little on the market and little to see?
To put it simply, one half-empty small stadium can playfully continuously drink the entire capacity of the spring.
Can children drink Bílinská kyselka?
Only for children under 4 years of age, it should not be Bílinská kyselka the only daily drink, as the recommended dose of fluorides could be exceeded. Although these are important for tooth enamel, today we assume a sufficient intake of fluorides from toothpastes that also contain fluorides. For older children and adults, it no longer represents drinking Bílinské kyselky as drinks no problem.
When is the Information Center and store in the bottling plant in Bílina open?
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